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Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2020

The mockup-dress, part one - the base

the fabric

The plan on trying to sew a dress after the Thierbach pattern was set. So here I sat, in lockdown, locking at my stash realising that no fabric in there would do for my mockup. But I had this bedspread/sheet that someone gave me once. And as I never used it anyway and it was still completly new, I stuffed it into the washing maschine and afterwards into the dryer... and yes being 100% cotton it did shrink...

the pattern

First I cleared my floor, rolled out the wrapping paper and glued two big pieces together so that I was able to transfer the pattern. And did I already say, that I had no explainatory texts just the image? That did lead to the first little misinterpretation ... the sleeves are not supposed to be cut pointed. But as I read Mrs. Thierbachs book only after I finished my mockup-dress, at that time I was only slightly puzzled and happily sewed on...

hemming the neckline

After cutting out the pattern, I first tried whether my head would fit through this really small hole ... it did (I later found out that the pattern later on was altered, as women would get their hair done first and then get dressed and this small opening would have meant to reverse that order...).

To keep it simple I traced the hole, ehm the neckline a second time on a spare piece of cloth and used this for hemming.

the sleeves
I closed the side seams and the arm seams. As the cotton has no tendency to fray, I did not fell the seams...after all, it's a mock up isn't it! After trying it on I thought I could use some more moving space and opened up the side seams again to enter underarm-gussets...and closed the sideseams again.

The sleeves had this medieval vibe, but somehow I was wondering whether they would be practical in every day life...so I deceided to sew them closed up to the opening where I would put the hand through.

So this finished part one, the base is sewn... 

...to be continued in part two

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